This thesis is about what makes good educational software. Besides posing the question, it aims to provide, at least some, answers. It stars the following fi ve papers, in order of appearance:
Lindström, P., Gulz, A., Haake, M., & Sjödén, B. (2011).
Matching and mismatching between the pedagogical design principles of a maths game and the actual practices of play.
Sjödén, B., Tärning, B., Pareto, L., & Gulz, A. (2011).
Transferring teaching to testing – An unexplored aspect of teachable agents.
Sjödén, B., & Gulz, A. (2015).
From learning companions to testing companions: Experience with a teachable agent motivates students’ performance on summative tests.
Sjödén, B., Lind, M., & Silvervarg, A. (2015).
Can a digital tutee infl uence how students respond to competition in educational games?
Sjödén, B. (2015).
What Teachers Should Ask of Educational Software: Identifying the Integral Digital Values.